Valentijnsdag Do’s & Don’ts
Handige tips van mij voor jou....
De één noemt het commerciële ellende, de ander gaat in diepe depressie wanneer er, voor de zoveelste keer, geen bloemetje afkon bij zijn of haar grote liefde. Er zijn mannen die er helemaal in mee gaan en volledig los gaan met de rozenblaadjes en massage olies en er zijn mannen die niet eens weten dat het überhaupt Valentijnsdag is. En dan zijn er de dames die zich, voor de gelegenheid, in een knalrood kanten gewaad hijsen én de dames die in hun snuggle onesie met een bak ijs onder een dekentje verdwijnen. Kortom, Valentijnsdag bestaat, maar niet iedereen is daar even enthousiast over.
Everything for love...
Why do we do it anyway? Do you want to participate in that commercial misery? Isn't love complicated enough? And okay, when you receive something, life is fantastic. But how many times have you looked at the mailbox in vain? Although much is still unclear about the origin of this romantic day (I won't bore you with a 3-sided history lesson, just Google it 😉), one thing has been proven: anonymous cards and flowers have been sent to unknowing recipients for hundreds of years. .
And then suddenly that email came from Rituals
Small is beautiful
In the sun - Map studio
The first rays of sunshine are for Willianne from Kaartstudio
From the first time I saw her wrapping paper, I was in love. It was the elephants with balloons. I had already built up quite a collection of gift wrapping paper, but these wrapping sheets were so different from usual. That was the start of an enormous Map Studio collection. Of course, that immediately became the first brand that I would sell in my webshop. I now not only sell her beautiful collections, but she also turned out to be a very sweet friend. Want to know more about Willianne? Read on quick!
A proud super mother!
Packing tips from a pro
Difficult, isn't it, raising children
Packing like a boss
5 Reasons to Stay Single Forever*
Valentine's Day misery
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