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Een bedrijf runnen mét ADHD.... Dom idee of niet?

Is that okay, running a company with ADHD?

ADHD is often thought of as the busiest boy in the class. I get it, I have one at home. So yeah, I was thinking about that same little boy. But it manifests itself very differently in girls and women. This is one reason that so many adult women are now diagnosed with ADHD. The complaints that we presented to general practitioners, psychologists and other care providers were pushed aside for years under other disorders and syndromes and were dismissed as isolated problems.
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Lastig hé, dat opvoeden 

Difficult, isn't it, raising children

To put it mildly...difficult. It's the hardest job in the world and it's unpaid too. But you get so much in return: gray hair, a dirty house and a lot of sleep deprivation. They don't say for nothing; the best parents are those without children.
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