And then suddenly that email came from Rituals
That was the reaction I get the most now. Because how do you, as a one-man company, with a meager 1,500 followers, get an assignment from a gigantic company like Rituals. I would like to say that I have manifested myself here…. But no, this really came as a total surprise.
A sweet lady from Rituals was looking for a creative woman for a social media campaign, with a social media appearance that matched the brand. So she found me “just” on Instagram. This lady sent me an email, with a very short explanation and a request for an online meeting.
That meeting took place and it immediately felt good. No, I had never studied origami before, but I am very good with paper, so I should definitely be able to do what she asked. So I quickly became very enthusiastic and said yes wholeheartedly.

I've been practicing for weeks, origami is quite something. I cursed myself regularly, I was very nervous. Because what if I were to fall through the basket, what if they saw that I'm actually not that good at all, that they couldn't use the filmed material at all. I was also terrified about the day itself. What if I arrive too late, what if they are really bad, what if we don't get along at all, what if, what if, what if.... In between, call the stylist about the materials and which paper would be best. to work. It was all so professional. Even more stress for me.
But I continued and at the beginning of November, still nervous, I entered the beautiful canal house of Rituals. What a beautiful building, being there all day was a party in itself. The ladies from Rituals, the film crew, the stylist, they were all so nice to work with. Nothing, absolutely nothing, of what I feared came true. The atmosphere was pleasant, there was laughter and my concerns about whether the folding work would be in order were waved away, it turned out fantastic. It was a long day, not only were my folding and cutting skills recorded, I was also asked to record some other videos, as a hand model. In the end I didn't get home until around 8 p.m. But what a wonderful day, I came out feeling so confident.

But then the waiting began. Because it would take weeks before the first results would be visible. The film recordings still had to be edited, edited and provided with text. So my patience was tested. Uncertainty crept in again. What if, during installation, they decided that it could be better, that it wasn't good enough. So I didn't dare to share much. Until I received the videos and the publication schedule in my mailbox this week. What a relief and how cool it turned out! Equipped with my favorite Christmas songs so beautifully edited.

And now, almost a month after the filming day, the first films are online. How cool to spot myself on TikTok, Pinterest and Insta. Receiving the Rituals newsletter and seeing my hands in it, with the star that I have refolded 1000 times. And then knowing that I will find myself everywhere for weeks to come and even cooler that Bi Happy Creations is tagged in it. My little Bi Happy, with her 1500 followers, tagged by such a beautiful company with no less than 900,000 followers.
So yeah, all the stressing, practicing and uncertainty, it was worth it. And yes, I understand if you are thinking: Man, act normal, it's only your hands. Believe me, I think so half the time. But for a moment.... they are MY hands.

And they found ME. They liked me enough to post on all their socials, YouTube, newsletter, Pinterest and their online magazine. So yeah, I get you. But I hope you also understand that I will just continue to enjoy this highlight. Because I think this is fucking awesome!
Would you like to watch more videos? You can already find a large part here on Pinterest.
Would you also like to learn how to pack like a pro before Christmas and learn these and more techniques during a super fun evening? Then book one of the Christmas wrapping workshops now, in Zwaag or Westzaan . You can find the workshops here .
Will I see you soon?