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5 Redenen om voor altijd single te blijven*

5 Reasons to Stay Single Forever*

(and why it's not me)

Doesn't it make you tired too? That Valentine's Day nonsense? That sweet talk about roses, poems, chocolate (ok, no chocolate is life) and cards. Love is often not that fun. And since there are still 1.23 million women living as (happily) single in the Netherlands, it seems to me that  in this month that group of women also has something to say. Because no, not all these women will be at the mailbox on February 14. In fact, a large proportion of these women will be concerned whether or not a man (or woman) presents themselves. Even without a relationship, they have a full existence, are never bored and enjoy all the beauty their lives have to offer. I should know, I was such a woman once. And sometimes…. Sometimes I long for a moment to go back to my time as a happy single (or pros, of course). And for the following reasons:


Come home when you want, eat at what time you want and do whatever you want! Watching a movie at 9 am? Top! For the 100th Would you like to watch Sound of Music once, while listening and chatting along? Fine. No questions, no angry texts when you're drunkenly dancing on a bar at 4 am. None: Where's the meat? If you have prepared your Hello Fresh vegetarian meal with the greatest care. Speaking of that meal, neither: can this have sambal? Or: pasta again? No discussions about which film to watch, discussions that often last longer than the film itself. Now I know women who find it very difficult to be alone... I'm not that kind of woman! This feeling of freedom, of doing where and when I feel like it, is something I sometimes miss quite a bit.

2. They don't get it, they really don't.

What not? Not us! There are so many discussions that really aren't worth having, simply because it's like talking to a wall. It's not without reason that they say men come from another planet. A few things that men don't understand: how to load a dishwasher in a logical manner, why socks have to be washed every day, why a piece of furniture has to match the interior and the cushions on the sofa too... not to mention why you want to spend money on your interior at all, because come on: the couch is fine anyway (as long as you stay away from that one corner). And then my favorite, why do gifts need to be wrapped? It is torn open again.

3. Lots of nice pillows

Always wanted that old pink velvet sofa? Then you buy it! Together with the 20 small, useless, dust-catching but oh so nice cushions for it. No one goes on the attack, because pink, because girls, because clumsy and annoying. Just you, your pink couch and your cushions. And while you're at it? That wall next to the door? It would look fantastic in powder pink and a few coral pink vases in front. Because, why not? Who's stopping you? See, men don't have that idea that the house should also radiate coziness. No, it has to be practical. With a sofa where you can hang out, a coffee table where you can put enough chips and cupboards where you could easily store the entire Gall and Gall. What color is on the wall and whether the lighting plan has a nice effect? She doesn't care!

4. So much space!

Of course, during those first months you can't imagine anything more beautiful than falling asleep in your Prince Charming's arms. But that prince charming will fall off his white horse after a few months, or if you're lucky, a few years. And then? Then it turns out that he doesn't stay still in bed for a second. Making an Olympic sport of pulling the duvet every night, just to stay a little warm. And when you realize that it might be better to snuggle up to him to stay warm, you wake up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat from his snoring. Because actually there was just a radiant heater next to you. So singles, enjoy all that space in bed and buy an electric blanket, at least it will be quiet.

5. No obligations

No in-laws, where you are forced to languish every Saturday with a cup of filter coffee. No more evenings of forced football watching, when you actually want to enjoy some Netflix. No strange friends who stick around too long and get your innocent guy drunk at the most unfortunate moments. Only your own (probably even more annoying) family, spending whole evenings wasting away at all the rom-coms on With Love and only your own, lazy friends, who get you (slightly less innocent) drunk themselves. Sounds much nicer, right?

And now that you are reading this, you are of course thinking: Bianca is the eternal single and not at all interested in the male sex... Wrong! I have been with my Flipje for 15 years now and have given birth to no fewer than two little men, so there is enough male suffering here.

But what do I base all this on? On Flip! And yes, to the husbands of most of my friends, colleagues and acquaintances. Because honestly, we all complain about the same thing. And yes, we have all shouted countless times that we are going to become nuns.

Why am I not a nun yet?

Well, first of all, I would never get hired. But secondly, they're also quite nice, those guys. Despite all the annoyances, inconveniences, irritations and strange habits, I can still laugh a lot with Flipje, we have a great time together and we secretly enjoy this boring bourgeois existence. So yes, sometimes I long for my free life a bit. But with so much love in one house, I quickly forget that. In addition... my in-laws live in Serbia and Flip is in bed at 8 o'clock every night because he has to get up at 3 o'clock. So I secretly still have some of my freedom.

The message?

Never settle for less! Enjoy your single life, make it the best time of your life. When the time comes you will meet him. But let it be the real thing. Not the guy who happens to be around when you're ready to settle down. Not the guy you actually know you don't want to grow old with, but hey, at least he's serious. Fall in love, get to know each other, take it step by step. Don't give up all those wonderful freedoms until you're sure this could be it. And no, you can never be completely sure. But often we know, deep down, when things are definitely not going to work out for him.

And did you find him? That man you think: this could be him?! And do you secretly want to let him know? Then Valentine's Day is of course the perfect time to inform him in a subtle way. For example with one of these hilarious cards.

And would you rather continue with your wonderful single life? Then also think of your dear friends! After all, Valentine's Day is about love, and who loves you more than your bestie? Put her in the spotlight with one of these sweet cards.

Would you like to put someone in the spotlight a little more? On the website you will find many nice gifts and wrapping sets, for example under the heading Valentine's Day.


And until February 14 you will still receive a 14% discount on everything * and a loving gift, with the following code:


*not valid on workshops

Happy Valentines and even happier giving!

*Yes, I know, there are men who don't fit this picture at all. There are men who know how the washing machine works and sleep neatly on their own side of the bed. And yes, I also know that there are many women who hate pink and are even crazier than their partner's male friends. This blog is based on true events from my own life and that of women around me.... but above all: don't take it too seriously! 🤪



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